PT Maju Sarana Artha

  • Kantor Jasa Akuntansi ( KJA ) Maju Sarana Artha Rukan Gedung Parkir 1 Sentra Kelapa Gading Unit I # 8 Jl. Bulevar Kelapa Gading Blok M Jakarta 1420 – Indonesia Telp. 021-45864930 / 021-45864932 Email :


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  • Pekerjaan yang Diposting 0
  • Dilihat 469

Deskripsi Perusahaan

The development of the business world is heavily influenced by the international economy, especially the trade competition, resulting in the business sector, then the increasingly large scale companies and the existence of national companies, foreign companies, where there is a separation between owners and managers of companies, and the development of the economy in companies that also Causing a variety of problems in the business world, which of course this must be followed by Accounting and Tax Planning are proportional to solve all issues related to the condition of corporate problems and corporate.

Considering the importance of timely listing of transactions, for that matter, KJA Maju Sarana Artha placed themselves and to assist the services especially in the field of tax administration.

KJA Maju Sarana Artha is a partnership (Partnership) engaged in tax consulting services, accounting services, consulting and partnerships with several Public Accounting Firm. Our office is licensed as a tax consultant with level C, especially for taxpayers in the field of taxation for individual taxpayers, corporate taxpayers or domestic investment companies (PMDN) and foreign investment (PMA).

Our partner, has expertise as an accountant with graduates from Faculty of Economics majoring in Accounting, Tarumanagara University, Master of Business Administration, University of Los Angeles, California, United State of America (USA), State Register of Accountants and alumni of Accountant and Accounting Master Program from IBI Kwik Kian Gie school of business, Chartered Accountant, member of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI), Doctor of Economics in Accounting from the University of Trisakti, Jakarta.

The activities of our partners are members of the Indonesian Institute of Accountants (IAI), the Indonesian Tax Consultant Association (IKPI), and the Certified of IFRS (C.IFRS) graduate, Corporate Sustainability Reporting Specialist and Assurer (CRSS & CRSA).