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Deskripsi Perusahaan

Hooman.id is an apparel company established in January 2019 whose dream is to make a better world for both human and animals by donating a part of our earnings to animal shelters all across Indonesia.

We believe that no animal deserve cruelty and no animals should spend its life in captivity.

Through our merchandises and social media, we wish to influence people to be more concern about animal cruelty and animal right.

Other than increasing awareness, we also donate 10% (Not limited to) from our sales to animal shelters in need. We already donated to several shelters and we hoped that we can also donate to other shelters in cities all over Indonesia.

We are on our journey to make the world a better place by reminding people that there are lots of animals in need and we can help them by sharing some love and a bit of what we have for them

Text us to join our team!